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Spice has always been a crucial part of humans. Right from flavoring the dishes to enhancing the health of the hair and to taking good care of the skin as well; there are various things to be done by the use of the spices and this goes the same for the oils extracted from the spices as well. You can find a hundred spice oils like clove oil, cardamom oil, black pepper oil and so more. And here, we are going to know many more things about one of the best spice oils i.e. Cinnamon Bark Spice Oil.

To know everything about the spice oil benefits, uses, and properties, here a detailed guide on Cinnamon bark spice oil is given that is having everything related about this amazing spice oil. So, without any further ado, let us get started:

What is Cinnamon Bark spice oil?

Botanical Name: Cinnamomum zeylanicum

Color: Yellow or brownish liquid

Odor: Earthy or woody aroma with a tint of spice

Methods of Extraction: Steam distillation

Cinnamon bark spice oil is one of the very amazing and widely used spice oil that is extracted from the bark of the cinnamon tree by the process of steam or carbon dioxide distillation so that the oil is having no or very less chemical content. This spice oil is having many commendable properties and natural composition that makes it more worthy to be included either in the skincare or the health care routine.

What is the difference between Cinnamon Oil and Cinnamon Bark oil?

You must have come across two different types of cinnamon spice oils, one is extracted from the leaves that are known as Cinnamon leaf spice oil and one is extracted from the bark of cinnamon which is known as cinnamon bark spice oil. As both oils are extracted from different parts and hence, they are having different properties and functions as well.

Both the cinnamon bark spice oil and the cinnamon leaf spice oil have been extracted from the same genus of the Cinnamomum tree.


When talking about the manufacturing of both oils, the cinnamon leaf spice oil is produced and harvested by removing the leaves, and by the process of steam or carbon dioxide distillation, the spice oil is extracted. The cinnamon bark spice oil is extracted by peeling off and chipping the bark of the cinnamon by the process of steam or carbon dioxide distillation.

Chemical Composition

When talking about the composition and the natural ingredients of the cinnamon bark spice oil, both of these spice oils are having cinnamaldehyde and eugenol as the main ingredient. But, when talking about the leaf oil, it is having eugenol, and the cinnamon bark spice oil is known to have cinnamaldehyde in it.


The Cinnamaldehyde compound is responsible for the characteristic aroma of both the cinnamon oils i.e. Cinnamon leaf oil and Cinnamon bark oil. Now, both of these oils are compared on the basis of the aroma, the oil that is extracted from the bark is having more cinnamaldehyde as compared with the leaf oil and hence, the cinnamon bark spice oil is having a stronger aroma and is spicier, sweeter and stronger than the leaf oil.

Medicinal Uses

The cinnamon oil that is extracted from the leaf of the cinnamon tree works as a pain killer and is also having analgesic properties and eugenol in it as a natural component that acts as a medicine for solving various skin and health issues. As the oil extracted from the bark of cinnamon is having higher cinnamaldehyde and with this, it is also having antimicrobial and antiviral properties that make it one of the best aromatherapy ingredient.


Cinnamon bark essential oil is very strong as it is having a strong aroma as well that makes it an irritant sometimes, and hence, it should not be applied directly on the skin. Cinnamon leaf spice oil is comparatively less strong and hence, it is milder and can be applied on the skin as well by diluting the spice oil with the carrier oil. But, both the oils should not be used in sensitive areas and also it is advised that pregnant women should not use this spice oil as it can cause severe side-effects.

Properties of Cinnamon Bark spice oil

There are hundreds of natural oils, each having different composition, ingredients, and properties that distinguish them from one another and make each and every oil the best in its own way. And, in this, the properties play a very amazing and important role. Now, if talking about the properties of the Cinnamon bark spice oil, here are some properties listed below that make it more amazing and useful. So, let us have a look at the list of properties given below:

  • Antibacterial properties
  • Antifungal properties
  • Ant-diabetic properties
  • Antioxidant properties
  • Antiviral properties
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Antimicrobial properties

Uses and benefits of Cinnamon Bark spice oil

Every natural oil is known to have some unique and beneficial properties that make them worthy to be included in the daily routine to solve and soothe some skin-related and health-related issues and that too naturally and without the involvement of any chemicals in the routine. And, this same goes with the Cinnamon bark spice oil as well.

benefits of Cinnamon Bark spice oil

Here, some of the top uses and benefits of Cinnamon bark spice oil are listed below that make it one of the best natural substitutes to take care of the health.

Mood enhancer

Cinnamon bark spice oil is known to have a strong characteristic aroma that makes it very popular for aromatherapy treatments to get rid of the issues like stress and anxiety. In aromatherapy sessions, the natural essential and spice oils are diffused into the surrounding air so that these oils can be breathed into the body and head and enhance the mood naturally.

Antibacterial and antifungal properties

As we have already gone through the properties of cinnamon oil and know that it acts as an antibacterial agent as well, that is why; this oil can be considered for combating and treating hard-to-treat organisms like viruses and bacteria. Having beneficial antifungal and antibacterial properties makes it an amazing natural substitute to support oral health as well. This oil can also work effectively in getting rid of micro-organisms causing oral infections and cavities

Cosmetics and culinary uses

The oil that is extracted from the cinnamon bark is used in the preparation of various edibles like sugar-free chewing gums, candies, flavored tea, and in the preparation of baked items as well. This oil is one of the widely used spice oils not only in India but all across the world because of its amazing and refreshing aroma that adds a tint of spice in the dishes. Apart from this, the cinnamon bark oil is also used in the manufacturing of cosmetics like body washes, lotions, creams, and certain daily essentials as well as toothpaste, soaps, mouthwashes, and many more.

Aromatherapy and therapeutic benefits

The cinnamon bark spice oil is known and widely considered for its characteristic aroma that is loaded with many beneficial properties and ingredients. And, these properties are therapeutic in nature as well making this oil one of the major ingredients of aromatherapy sessions as well. It is also having the ability to calm down the tensed nerves of the mind and reduce the effect of stress and anxiety.

How to use Cinnamon Bark spice oil

  • The only thing that is to be kept in mind while using natural spice oils is the proper dose of the oil and the proper way to use them as these oils are highly concentrated and hence if they are not used properly, they can result in severe side effects and skin-related problems. And, this same goes with cinnamon bark spice oil as well.

  • That is why; here are some ways listed in which this oil can be used to get the best result out of them and that too without any risk.

  • As cinnamon bark spice oil is highly concentrated and which is why; it is recommended to keep the concentration of the oil low as it can react with the skin and can cause severe infection. For dilution, carrier oils like coconut and olive oils are used.

  • As this oil works wonder for enhancing the mood and hence, this oil is used in diffusers with water to spread the pleasing aroma in the surroundings.

  • Cinnamon oil can also be blended with carrier oil for massaging all over the body. This can be used for fighting skin dryness as cinnamon bark oil is having high moisture content.

  • You can also use cinnamon sticks for aromatherapy by dropping one stick into the boiling water and then let the fragrance fuse into the surroundings

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