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Is Peppermint Oil Really Effective to Repel Mice Truth Revealed

Is Peppermint Oil Really Effective to Repel Mice Truth Revealed

Who else likes unwanted guests at home, especially the ones causing harm with intention? Mice are such uninvited visitors! Living with mice is no less than a nightmare, and if you are looking for an effective deterrent, we suggest using peppermint oil instead of chemical-based solutions to repel these pests!

But aren’t you sure whether peppermint oil will actually work? It is time when you need to do a little bit of research. And, this blog will surely help you clear your doubts! 

How Effective is Pure Peppermint Oil to Repel Mice?

Mice are definitely a nuisance that needs a permanent solution to get rid of as quickly as possible. The concern is not just because they bite but carrying parasites and spreading diseases, like salmonella, lymphocytic or hantavirus, through their urine and faeces, causing food poisoning and infected surfaces.

But if you have kids and elderly parents at home, applying chemical-based solutions to kill them off isn’t a good idea! Instead, you can use pure peppermint oil for mice since their sense of smell is immensely strong. Yet, when they come into contact with a strong scent, such as the minty aroma of peppermint oil, they scare off. 

Peppermint oil offers an effective natural solution to small-scale mice infestation and prevents their presence. However, it can take some time to show its effects since the mint scent wears off quickly, and these creatures can move any other part of your home. Still, it’s safer for you and your family than spraying toxic chemicals around your home. 

Pure Peppermint Oil Uses for Mice Eradication

To eliminate mice from your premises, you need to apply peppermint oil correctly. Here’s how to use the oil and see if it really works. Such as:

Use Cotton Wool Balls-

Well, it’s one of the simplest ways to use peppermint oil to deter mice in your home. You just need to soak some cotton wool balls in peppermint oil and keep them in different places around your premises, such as close to the holes that mice use to get in or out of your property or along the skirting boards. And, the mice will definitely try to avoid these powerful peppermint pockets! 

Prepare a Peppermint Spray-

Here, take one cup of water and two spoons of pure peppermint oil. Just mix them, pour them into a spray bottle, and your homemade mice spray is ready. Make sure you shake the mixture well before spraying it in the areas you usually notice mice activities. To keep the mice away for longer, you should use this mixture twice a month!

Diffusing Peppermint-

Using peppermint oil as a diffuser is a great way to keep mice away, apart from its health benefits. Furthermore, diffusing peppermint can work on even fruit flies, ants and spiders, ensuring less number of bugs at home. In fact, it’s better to have a peppermint diffuser around your premises to prevent mice from coming back. 

Green Leaf Oil- Best Online Store to Buy Peppermint Oil

So, if you have mice in your home or even retail store, and are struggling to eliminate them, peppermint oil can offer an effective natural solution here to keep them away. At Green Leaf Oil, you can get 100% pure peppermint essential oil, containing a fresh minty scent highly effective for mice eradication. 

On top of it, its refreshing aroma and calming essence have a lot more uses, from making scented candles to creams, hand washes and lotions to bathing gels and soaps. Also, many massage parlours and spas use peppermint oil in massage therapy and skin treatments to treat muscle aches, acne, allergies and pimples and relieve stress. 

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